Voxativ brings David & Goliath systems to the High End Munich 2019 by Christopher Owens

At the annual HIGH-END show in Munich this week, Voxativ GmbH will be presenting a tale of two systems on opposing walls that represent the fringes of the Berlin-based family of handmade full-range systems.

In one corner will be the new all-in-one €7,900 giant killer, Absolut Hagen system, consisting of Hagen 5” full-range monitors, integrated Absolut Box with wireless DAC/Custom DSP and speaker cable. With the factory-configured DSP in play, these small but mighty horn-load monitors reach down to a surprising 45Hz for a linear low-frequency response. Simply connect wirelessly via a smartphone, and the millions of songs available digitally from around the world come to life in an engaging new way. With a system like this, no tweaks are necessary - just plug and play.

On the other extreme, reigns the iconic Ampeggio Due making its unbridled return to Munich outfitted with the newest version of the AC-XHB hybrid field-coil driver sporting leather surrounds, paper cone enhancements and N2 battery power stores. Driving the Due will be the Voxativ T211 SET Integrated paired with streaming music via the Swiss-engineered Medua DAC + matching MAN-301 server from Weiss Engineering. Altogether, this Goliath of a system retails for €140,000.

This diverse range of Voxativ-quality systems demonstrates the extremes that Voxativ goes to provide pure listening experiences to the broadest range of music lovers.

For more info, please visit the international Voxativ team at The HIGH END, MOC München, Atrium 4.2, Room E222.
